Once the user has approved the token transfer, it’s time to construct the submit
request to the Kima Transaction Backend.
POST /submit
Request Body:
(Address): sending user address
(string): sending chain
(Address): receiving user address
(string): receiving chain
(string): receiving token symbol
(number): amount of token to transfer
(number): amount of token that Kima consumes to pay gas fee for pulling & releasing token transactions
For Bitcoin transactions:
Set these to the empty string or zero for non-BTC transactions
(string): the tx hash locking the funds in the HTLC
(number): the output index of the locked funds in the HTLC creation transaction
(string): the timestamp when the HTLC contract expires and the user can reclaim the funds locked there
(string): for bitcoin transactions this is the public key of the sender
Success Response:
: number
: number
: number: error code; will be zero when successful
: string
: Event[]
: string
: Attribute[]
: string
: string
?: string
?: MsgData[]
: Uint8Array
: bigint
: bigint
See the short names in the Supported Blockchains section.
The transaction Id will be needed to get the transaction status. The following code can be used to extract the Id from the submit
Before calling submit
a JWT token must be obtained with the body payload. The JWT will be checked against the request body and if it does not match will respond with a 500
If provided, the Kima Backend will use the Explorisk url defined in the ENV var XPLORISK_URL
to get the risk score for the origin and target user addresses. If the score is anything other than low
it will respond with a 500
In order for Kima to move tokens on behalf of the user an on chain approval needs to happen. An approval has 3 components:
Owner address: User
Spender address: Kima Pool
Total amount: origin token amount plus gas fees
ecdsa (base58)
You can also obtain the pool addresses from the TSS endpoint. Use the type
in the chart above to determine which one to use.
GET https://api.sardis.kima.network/kima-finance/kima-blockchain/kima/tss_pubkey
Success Response:
(array object)
tssPubKey: string
ecdsa: string
eddsa: string
reserved: string
nextKey: string | null
total: number
Note: for Tron, the hex esdsa
address must be converted to a base 58 checksum address.
To calculate the total amount, the service (gas) fees are needed. Kima has an endpoint that estimates the service and gas fees for a given chain.
GET https://fee.kima.network/fee/{chainName}
Example: https://fee.kima.network/fee/AVX
result: boolean
fee: string
: dash delimited list <Amount USD>-<Timestamp>-<Amount Crypto>
Amount USD: the service fee amount in USD
Timestamp: Javascript timestamp in milliseconds
Amount Crypto: the fee amount in the native token of the given chain- i.e. AVAX
See the short names in the Supported assets section.
To calculate the total service fee requires querying for the fees on both the source and target chains using the endpoint described above. There are a couple exceptions:
The fee is ZERO in the following cases as it is handled elsewhere:
Source or target chain is FIAT
Target chain is BTC
There is a constant value when the source chain is BTC
Source chain is BTC: 0.0004 BTC
Since the source and target chains can be different, the USD amount fee amounts should be used and added together. The user will pay the fee using the source token. Remember, even stable coins are not exactly one USD, so the USD fee amount should be converted into the source token amount using the USD price of the source token.
Putting it all together, the following is a typescript code example that queries the endpoint and calculates the total service fee.
Once all the info has been collected it’s time to make the on chain call. The exact details of how this is done depends on the origin chain and library used.
Example code using typescript and Viem
This snippet uses the getServiceFee()
function mentioned above. The getClientsForChain()
and getPoolAdressesForChain()
would be utility functions defined elsewhere.
Once the transaction has been submitted to the Kima Transaction Backend, you’ll want to display the transaction progress in the frontend. There are 2 GraphQL queries on the Kima subgraph for this purpose.
Kima Subgraph url: https://graphql.kima.network/v1/graphql
Here is a code snippet for regular transactions using plain fetch
. See the docs for your favorite graphql client for constructing queries.
For liquidity pool transactions:
The Kima Widget serves as a reference implementation written in React. If your project uses another framework, or you want to make a custom component, it’s possible to interact with the Kima Transaction Backend directly.
User selects the origin and target chains and amount
User approves Kima to transfer origin tokens
The transaction details are submitted to the Kima Transaction Backend
The UI polls the Kima GraphQL endpoint for status updates until the transaction has completed
The React component on the Kima Github:
The frontend component will need to provide the following information. This will be used to calculate the service fee and the approval for Kima to move tokens on behalf of the user.
Origin (from)
chain: this is the chain the user tokens will come from
token: the (stable coin) token the user will pay with (or bridge from)
address: the source user address- i.e. the connected user
amount: the amount of tokens to transfer
Target (to)
Chain: the destination chain
Token: the (stable coin) token being delivered
In a payment scenario this will be the same as the origin token
Address: the receiving address
In a bridge transaction this will be same as the connected user
See the list of chains and tokens in the Supported Blockchains section.