There are numerous ways to configure the Widget for your own preferences and the look and feel of your dApp, which you can do via the following props:
The Theme prop controls whether the Widget is in light or dark mode and their background colours:
Type: ThemeOptions
colorMode (required): ColorModeOptions.light | ColorModeOptions.dark
backgroundColorLight (optional): string
backgroundColorDark (optional): string
The Title prop enables you to give the widget whatever title you want and can be configured for each step of the widget.
Type: TitleOption:
initialTitle (optional): string
confirmTitle (optional): string
The PaymentTitle prop allows you to optionally set the title that appears on the payment screen if you are using the Payment component.
Type: PaymentTitleOption
title (optional): string
style (optional): object
This is a string, which should be to your own help documentation or FAQ. If unset, the link will default to Kima's help documentation.
Type: string
Required: true
Type: ModeOptions
payment: Payment scenario
bridge: Bridge scenario
status: mode for tracking the status of a specific Kima transaction
Used to specify the transaction flow scenario of the Widget. See the individual scenarios for more information.
Sets the default chain, wallet, and amount in the Widget. Required for the Payment mode, optional for the Bridge mode.
Payment mode: Required, Bridge mode: Optional
Type: TransactionOption
targetChain (optional): SupportNetworks
targetAddress (optional): string
amount (optional): number
currency (optional): string
This is one of the few props that is mandatory to set, because there are several enpoints which the Widget expects to exist on the Backend. The examples assume the backend server is running locally at localhost:3001
. Replace this with the URL of your backend.
Required: true
Type: string
For more information see the Kima Transaction Backend section.
Type: string
This is used to specify the URL of Kima's block explorer in the environment you are using. The widget needs this to provide updates to the status screen, as well as allowing users to link to their transactions to view progress.
Kima Mainnet Explorer:
Sardis (Testnet) Explorer:
Type: string[]
Default: []
Chain names to exlude from the widget. Users will not be able to select these chains in the widget. Useful for compliance reasons or to exclude chains not supported by your app.
There is currently no opton to do the opposite- i.e. explicity specify which chains to include.
Excluded target networks will have no effect in payment mode as the target chain, address, and amount are already explicity set.
Type: function
Called when an error occurs. Useful for debugging and logging.
Type: function
Called when the widget is closed.
Type: function
Called when the transaction is successful.
Used in Status mode to specify the transaction to track progress for. Only used in status mode, ignored otherwise.
Status mode: Required, ignored otherwise
Type: boolean
Default: -1
Used to provide the widget with wallet connection and chain switching functionality.
Used to specify the WalletConnect project id. Visit Reown Cloud and sign up for a free account (WalletConnect is now called Reown) to obtain a project id.
Required: true
Type: string
Used to specify the network type.
Required: false
Type: NetworkOptions
Default: NetworkOptions.testnet
If there is already a wallet connection logic elsewhere in your app, an external provider can be passed in. Otherwise, the widget will handle the connection logic on its own.
Required: false
Type: ExternalProvider
Required: false
Type: boolean
Default: false
If your app requires compliance checks, please contact us for more information. When false
(the default), compliance checks are disabled.